We love and eat candy for fun, sharing, friendliness, gentleness, transgression, consolation, regression, reward, reinsurance, compensation …
Candy is an old word – late 13c.- coming from French sucre candi “sugar candy,” ultimately from Arabic qandi. During Antiquity, honey was used a lot, cane sugar is imported to Europe only during the Middle Ages and the beet sugar industry is developed in the nineteenth century. In Europe the beginnings of confectionery are slow because sugar is very expensive.Until the end of the eighteenth century, sweets are reserved for the rich. From the early nineteenth century, sweets become accessible to all.
And here we are now : the Dutch are the biggest eaters of candy, at 29 kg per person a year, in Sweden the annual consumption is over 18 kg per person, Americans eat about 9,5 kg a year … This industry is looking for new territories, we found recently two new directions for this everlasting product.
US company Beneo has developed a spooky-sounding sweet with Bulgarian confectioner Alpi: Deo Perfume Candy.This candy contains geraniol, the main component in rose oil. Much like garlic, geraniol leaks through one’s pores, delivering a perfuming effect that can last for hours. “Body fragrancing functional candy” as marketeers refer to it, might be the next generation of candies. It is part of a new wave of edible skincare known as nutricosmetics that includes suntan enhancers in pill form and chocolate-flavoured beauty bars.

Sugarpova by Sharapova
Multi-talented 25 year old tenniswoman Sharapova launched her new candy line Sugarpova at high-end retailer Henri Bendel in New York, August 20. Sugarpova offers a range of 12 gummy delicacies, each bearing a specific name and description.
The tennis ball-shaped “Sporty: the taste of victory” is one of the best seller.The whole branding concept is very well done and try to convince us that candies can be healthy.
Those two candies – made only for girls- offer new promises and are the signal of a long term trend.